After the accident, damned water, after this we start using acrylics to paint the face, this happened because I used a water marker! stupid me.

Billito Lazarus
the resurection of the doll: it came out pretty much alike the first one, we decided to leave him with long hair.

Billito Lazarus
the resurection of the doll: it came out pretty much alike the first one, we decided to leave him with long hair.
Ready to go out
one word. Wow! thats a mighty fine Billie Joe Doll, so realistic!
I made one but not as good as that!
Thank you so much :D its always nice to receive feedback and compliments!.
awww, poor billie, with his makeup running, i know how it feels. lol!
WOW! these are good! do you have a billie face print i could have? also do you have any advice for sewing the body because im working on a jack sparrow (sorry CAPTAIN jack sparrow) doll right now but am having difficulties w/ his body..........thanks
oh yeah & my email is
ps how did you get the yarn in for his hair?
Hey, thanks!, well actually there is a tutorial here for the body, anyway I'll send you the patterns for it and the file of Billie's head.
The hair is made of babyrabbit yarn (I don't know if its real rabbit or if its only a name)and its made our of locks that are saw to the head, there is a video somewhere here too. :D
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