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About the face pattern : | |||||
What we did, was drawing with vectors the real faces on Coral Draw, if you know how to work with Corel or any other design program, great!, if not, post a comment asking for the graphics, give us your email we will send it to you, then print them and use them as an stencil ( you can do it with contact paper, or just with paper, cutting it as an stencil. (try to calculate the size of the print to match the size of the doll's head) If you are here looking to make a Freddy Mercury, Spielberg or Tom Hanks doll, hang around those dolls are on my list of thing to do. |
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
I want to see that Mercury doll!!
hahahahahaha.....patience my precious, patience......WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THAT DOLL TOGETHER :) .
Could I get the pattern for the faces for the Green Day dolls? It would be greatly appriciated!
email: taranwanderer01@yahoo.com
Hi Lauren, sure you can, I've just send the files to your email,check it out. :)
Thanks a lot!! =D
darllinnngs ive decided to try to make a doll.haha
can i have the face patterns?
thanks loves <3
xxx Addy
ohhh yeah my email= addyisawesome@yahoo.com
The dolls are great! but i would like to have the face patterns for billie joe mike and tré. My e-mail: christellemusic_pix@hotmail.com
could i have the face patterns for billie joe mike and tre please?
i can't use mega upload for the life of me if you could email it to me you would be such a dollface, whatsername297@yahoo.com
oh right duh i want to make billie mike and tre so if you could send me what i need for that.
i need the billie mike and tre face patterns puhleaaaaase. and of course thank you darlings.
Hey barbara..I've just sent you the patterns, hope you finish your dolls soon and send pics :)
Megaupload hates my guts, so could you email me the face patterns for Billie, Mike and Tre? My email's KiraWindscar@cs.com. Thankies!
Could you email them to me too? The face patterns for Billie, Tré and Mike please :) My email adress is x.dawndella.x@hotmail.com Thankies :)
could you email me the face patterns? omgitsdecember@yahoo.com thanks!
ok i just have to make some dolls like that. could you send me the face patterns? stained_glass_expectations@hotmail.com
can i get the face patterns pleez. thanks.
my e-mail again:
Hey, these are awesome!
Could I please have the face graphics for all 3 Green Day? I'm really bad at drawing!
Thanks, my email is cbolck_07@hotmail.com
Can you please send the face patterns for Billie Joe Mike and Tre? My e-mail is: aries321321321@hotmail.com
=3 Thanks
could i have the face patterns for billie joe mike and tre please?
Hi! i'll make one doll too =)
Can you please send me the graphics for the face? my e-mail is dark_angel0609@hotmail.com
i REALLY need the face patterns.
tips are greatly appreciated.
thanks, Stephanie (FROM GDA)
THIS IS MY EMAIL: sidviciousway@hotmail.com
hi! you're such a great artist...
could you send me the face graphics please? thanks a bunch
thanks again
could you PLEASE send me a copy of the green day dolls faces?
to either:
THANKYOU!!! im making these for a summer project..they RULE!
Hi can you please email me the patterns for all the guys faces. my email is disturbedangel82@hotmail.co.uk
thanks muchy :]
omg i am so sorry to be asking you this again but can you resend me patterns for gerard way? My email got deleted so i lost it!
New email- misschemromance@aim.com
Hey! can u send me the patterns to make the gerard way doll? please!!! my e-mail add is mystic_angel92@hotmail.com.....thnx 4 everything!
Hi, can you send me the patterns to make the gerard way doll??
My email is : Michis_michis1@hotmail.com
can you please send me the patterns for the green day dolls?
email: monty@haefft.de
thx a lot
hey, can you PLEASE send me the patterns to make the green day dolls!!
my email: rock_princess_sana@hotmail.com
your dolls are sooo adorable!!
could i please have the face pattern for the gerard way doll please thanks!
hey could i have the graphics for
each Green Day face?
thanks a lot! ^^
Hi do you have any clothing/uniform, head and face patterns for the Geard Way And Frank Iero (also if possible the Frank one from 3 cheers) dolls. Do you have any more My Chem doll Pattern? Thanx, My msn is
could i please have the green day face patterns?
my e-mail is:
Hi! Your dolls are amazing! I wanna make all three of the Green Day dolls but Megaupload doesn't work for me. Could you email me the patterns?
Thank you so much!
I would love to make the Helena Gerard Way XD
can u send me the pattern for the head on ur Gerard doll?
I love the Green Day dolls! They inspired me and I am going to make them myself. Can you send me the face patterns of Billie, Mike and Tré please. :)
My e-mail is lindabellal@hotmail.com
Would love the Green Day face patterns, if this site is still being maintained. :)
musiquexcoeur [at] aim [dot] com
Thanks in advance! ^^
Wow, great dolls! I'd like to try one. Can you send me the face patterns?
Thank you!
Hey, I don't know if you're still active doing this, but I'd love you if you send me the Billy Talent patterns. I'd try to do them alone, but I suck at those things, sadly :(
My email is rene-groene@web.de
Thank you in advantage:)
Since obviously the site owners aren't using the site anymore. :/
I'm about to start emailing everyone on here, asking whether or not they have the face patterns still.
was wondering if you could send me the pattern for billie joe armstrong if it wouldn't be too much trouble! Thanks! My email address is RevivingAurora@gmail.com
Can I get the face patterns for Billie? Ha, thanks.(:
email: thegreendayaddict@gmail.com
These dolls are amazing .... you are so talented - I would love it if you could send me the face patterns for Billie Joe, Mike and Tre please. I would love to make all three dolls. My email is martyandkristi@aapt.net.au. Thank you !
I dont know if you still do this but can I please have the graphics for the faces of billie, mike and tre from green day in order to make the dolls please.
my email is hookedontom12@aol.com
thank you so much
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