
Turn inside out
Stuff it with fiberfill, this might get a bit tricky, but try to stuff it with a wooden stick or whatever you have in hand fill the legs first and the fill the arms, leave a space without fiberfill between the arms and the body, it will give movement to the arms.
Fill the head lightly and Fill the neck firmly, stitch the head and body openings.
Some vids how to make the wig....sorry for the bad english :(
Probably you are wondering how to print the correct size for the face graphic, what you need to do (I use photoshop) is choose the print preview and rezise the image about a forth of the size of an A4 sheet a bit larger maybe, print a draft and be sure the size of the stencil matches the size of the doll head, if it needs any correction resize again until you are satisfyed with the size.
Attaching the head
your english was fine. oh and i forgot to say thank you. making the dolls looks like it is going to be lots of fun and thank you for hopefully sending me the head patterns.
I can't wait to make a Billie- Joe doll! I was beyond excited to find this site! lol If possible, could you send me the face graphics for the Billie- Joe doll? I am hopeless at drawing hahah thanks!!
my e-mail is
could u plz send me the face graphics for billie joe, tre and mike to thx
i know u already got this email...but just in case...
Dear Rockin Dolls,
I have my fabric and i sewed the shoulders, but i don't know how to do the arm. i don't want to have a raw edge because i'm going to make multiple outfits for my doll and i want his arms to look nice. can you please e-mail me back and tell me what stich you used and how you sewed it.
#1 Green Day Fan!
p.s. my brother(age 10) wanted to do this project too. he loves american idol so he is doing Taylor's going to be really cute...i will send you pics when it is done!
email me @...
i am so glad that i found this site and i cant wait to make the dolls but can you send me the face graphics for billie, tre, and mike.
As stated above, your english wasn't bad at all, I think your accent sounds very cool.
Thanks for the videos, it has helped so much.
A suggestion, you should post pictures of end products of yours and others that have made them.
could you plz send me face graphics for billie it would help me alot i whant to make this for my sister
my email:
Do you make them to sell? because I'd be very happy to buy - I mean if you suggest a price in £££ I'd like that :D I'd like one of each (billie, mike, tre)
No, sorry we do not sell them, we just teach how to make them, the tutorial is free as well as the patterns, it's much fun to make your own doll than buy's much filled with love :P, you can feel free to use our site and make your own doll, we only ask you to visit our sponsors in the adsense bar to keep up the site and improve the tutorials and respect the rights license. <3
can you send me the face graphics for billie,mike and tré.? :) i tried to draw the faces,but they doesn't look very nicee...:DD so,it would be nice if you can send me the faces.;D heh.^^"
my email is
i dont get how to make the hair! do u have rows of the hair. i made a row of hair for the front already. it looks good.
hey im having some trouble stitching the arms!!!! i cant seem to do it!!! somebody please help!!!! pls email me at!! ty
thank you so much pat for the email!!!!!! u've been a BIG help!!!!! i'm half way done!!! i'm so excited!!! thanks again!!!
hey pat, abt the arm i tried experimenting different ways on how i cud stitch it and i did it but it was very looks okay though but i wud like to c how u did it so wud it be ok if u posted a video? pretty please!!! by the way ur english is fine. trust me!
does anybody know how to make a suit , a pair of shoes and gloves?
pls help!!!!! my email add is
PS: im sorry if im kinda flooding this place with questions! im still a beginner and dis is my first time making a doll. hope u understand.
I think I'll be posting a new video by the end of the week :D, about the suit and the shoes and gloves hahaha, Just the other day my sister told me she wanted to make Gerardo a new wardrobe, so, I guess we will have patterns for that soon.
thanks for the idea Meg, I guess this place will be getting updates on how to make wristbands, gloves, shoes and ties, and maybe even hats!, so keep lurking around.XD
omg!!! im already excited!!!! as 4 now im making the gerard way doll 4 my home economics project ;) and im gonna try making other stuff like the mcr armband, the shoes, the suit with buttons, etc to go with it. i have 2 more days to finish it. THANK YOU once again!!! u've been a BIG help!!!! I <3 this site :)
yay!! im done! i made my doll!! it looks pretty good. ty 4 ur help
Hey Meg! that is so cool!, would you send me pics please? XD
i dont have my doll right now cuz my teacher dispayed it for the exibit and i wont be getting it anytime soon. the sad part is that some small children were playing with my doll during the exibit and they destroyed it partially *(sobs)*. now my doll has several bald spots cuz they keep pulling out the yarn, sum buttons are missing and they pulled out some threads. its very sad becuz i had so many sleepless nights just so i cud finish making my doll and to c it get destroyed hurts.
Awwww...Meg, I am so sorry to hear what happened to your doll!, damn kids! Just the other day, my friends little brother was playing with my Billie doll...he is only 1 year old, he wasn't hurting the doll, but I felt like he was going to tear the thing apart hehe, luckily my friend is also a hardcore fan of the doll and she took the doll away from him, even though he was kinda sad, at the end we gave him a semi destroyed doll of Frank Iero to play with hehe.
i got my doll back! my doll looks terrible!!! majority of the hair is gone!! my doll looks like it has cancer and in its last stage! i cud go all day just naming the flaws....i think im gonna make a new one but this time for myself and i'll take good care of it......
im making a ray toro doll and i'll send you the pictures once the hair is finished
I am very excited about making my very own Billie! Could you please send me the faces for all three Green day dolls - . Thanks again...
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